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sudo pacman -S beets imagemagick mp3val flac python-xdg


sudo pip install beets
sudo pip install --upgrade beets

Import music

  • Import music to your library and attempt to fix tags: beet import <path>
  • Import a single track without an album: beet import -s <path>
  • Import without modifying it: beet import -A <path>

Import special songs

beet modify vinyl=1 <path>
beet import --set vinyl=1 <path>

List music

  • List all music in your library: beet ls
  • List all albums in your library: beet ls -a

Remove music

  • Remove track(s) from your library: beet rm <part of name>
  • Remove album(s) from your library: beet rm -a <part of name>

Update beet database

beet upd

Convert music

beet ...


All in one command

$ yay -S imagemagick mp3val flac python-xdg
# pip install pyxdg pathlib Flask flask-cors beautifulsoup4


yay -S imagemagick


sudo pip install requests
yay -S imagemagick


sudo pip install requests beautifulsoup4

Bad Files

yay -S mp3val flac


yay -S python-xdg imagemagick
sudo pip install pyxdg pathlib


sudo pip install Flask
sudo pip install flask-cors

Fetch Album Art

beet fetchart -q # For missing art
beet fetchart # For every song

Fetch lyrics

beet lyrics # For every song
beet lyrics magnetic fields # For artist "Magnetic Fields"
beet lyrics magnetic fields absolutely cuckoo # For Songs "Absolutely Cuckoo" by "Magnetic Fields"

Other commands

beet fetchart
beet thumbnails
beet embedart
beet bad
beet update
beet import
beet ls

Cue + flac


sudo pacman -S cuetools shntool flac


shnsplit -f file.cue -t %n-%t -o flac file.flac
shnsplit -f *.cue -t %n-%t -o flac *.flac

Other method (Does not name the files)

cuebreakpoints file.cue | shnsplit -o flac file.flac