How to work with PowerShell/CMD and scripts.
is the same asWhere-Object { }
is the same as$PSItem
and is the variable for the current value in the pipe line.
Get-Process -IncludeUserName | ?{ $_.UserName -notmatch "^DOM\username$|^NT AUTHORITY\\" -and $_.ProcessName -notmatch "^fontdrvhost$|^dwm$|^Idle$|^MsMpEng&|^MsSense$" }
Find cmdlets
Find a cmdlet. gcm
is an alias for Get-Command
Get-Command *Item*
Get-Command -Name *process*
Get-Command -Noun Member
Get-Command -Verb Add
Get-Command Get-Process | Format-List *
Show properties and methods.
Get-Command Get-Process | Get-Member
Find an alias.
alias | findstr gm
Recursively search for a string in the current directory
findstr /S /C:"string" * | more
findstr /S /I /N /P /C:"string" * | more
findstr /S /C:"string" "*.*" | more
Open current directory in Explorer.exe
ii .
Invoke-Item .
explorer .
Copy the output of a command
dir C:\ | clip
Download a file (wget)
Invoke-WebRequest https://... -OutFile C:\file.ext
BITS Source
Start-BitsTransfer -Source "http://server01/servertestdir/testfile1.txt" -Destination "c:\clienttestdir\testfile1.txt"
FC file1 file2
Show all properties and methods from an object
Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Get-Member
Get-Service -Name WinDefend | gm
Get-Process | Get-Member -MemberType Method
Get-AppPackage | Get-Member -MemberType Property
Use a property
Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Select -Property DisplayName
Get-Service -Name WinDefend | Format-Table -Property DisplayName,Name,Status
Use a method. When you create $s
the service is Running
, if you want to see if it changed status you have to query it again.
Get-Service -Name Spooler |
$s = Get-Service -Name Spooler
Get-Service -Name Spooler
Use Command Prompt To Reveal Saved WiFi Passwords
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan show profile name=NAME key=clear
Toast notifications
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$notificationTitle = "Notification: " + [DateTime]::Now.ToShortTimeString()
[Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] > $null
$template = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::GetTemplateContent([Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastTemplateType]::ToastText01)
#Convert to .NET type for XML manipuration
$toastXml = [xml] $template.GetXml()
$toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text").AppendChild($toastXml.CreateTextNode($notificationTitle)) > $null
#Convert back to WinRT type
$xml = New-Object Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument
$toast = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification]::new($xml)
$toast.Tag = "PowerShell"
$toast.Group = "PowerShell"
$toast.ExpirationTime = [DateTimeOffset]::Now.AddMinutes(5)
#$toast.SuppressPopup = $true
$notifier = [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier("PowerShell")