Everything in Ruby is an object.
Basic data types
Numbers (integers and floats)
basic arithmetic operators
# Addition
1 + 1 #=> 2
# Subtraction
2 - 1 #=> 1
# Multiplication
2 * 2 #=> 4
# Division
10 / 5 #=> 2
# Exponent
2 ** 2 #=> 4
3 ** 4 #=> 81
# Modulus (find the remainder of division)
8 % 2 #=> 0 (8 / 2 = 4; no remainder)
10 % 4 #=> 2 (10 / 4 = 2 with a remainder of 2)
When doing arithmetic with two integers in Ruby, the result will always be an integer.
17 / 5 #=> 3, not 3.4
17 / 5.0 #=> 3.4
Yes, .even?
with the ?
, like 7.even?
Can be formed with ""
or ''
. This is known as string literals.
# With the plus operator:
"Welcome " + "to " + "Odin!" #=> "Welcome to Odin!"
# With the shovel operator:
"Welcome " << "to " << "Odin!" #=> "Welcome to Odin!"
# With the concat method:
"Welcome ".concat("to ").concat("Odin!") #=> "Welcome to Odin!"
## First character
"hello"[0] #=> "h"
## First to second
"hello"[0..1] #=> "he"
## First to fourth
"hello"[0, 4] #=> "hell"
## Last character
"hello"[-1] #=> "o"
Escape characters
\\ #=> backslash
\b #=> Backspace
\r #=> Carriage return
\n #=> Newline
\s #=> Space
\t #=> Tab
\" #=> Double quotation mark
\' #=> Single quotation mark
Allows to evaluate a string that contains placeholder variables.
name = "Odin"
puts "Hello, #{name}" #=> "Hello, Odin"
puts 'Hello, #{name}' #=> "Hello, #{name}"
"hello".capitalize #=> "Hello"
"hello".include?("lo") #=> true
"hello".include?("z") #=> false
"hello".upcase #=> "HELLO"
"Hello".downcase #=> "hello"
"hello".empty? #=> false
"".empty? #=> true
"hello".length #=> 5
"hello".reverse #=> "olleh"
"hello world".split #=> ["hello", "world"]
"hello".split("") #=> ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
" hello, world ".strip #=> "hello, world"
Convert other objects to strings
5.to_s #=> "5"
nil.to_s #=> ""
:symbol.to_s #=> "symbol"
Fun with strings
"he77o".sub("7", "l") #=> "hel7o"
"he77o".gsub("7", "l") #=> "hello"
"hello".insert(-1, " dude") #=> "hello dude"
"hello world".delete("l") #=> "heo word"
"!".prepend("hello, ", "world") #=> "hello, world!"
how it differs from a string
Booleans (true, false, and nil).
, false
and nil
Everything in Ruby has a return value. When a piece of code doesn’t have anything to return, it will return nil
As I have noexec in /tmp
I have to create a folder for it to build.
sudo dnf install -y rbenv
mkdir /tmp/build
sudo mount -t tmpfs buildtmpfs /tmp/build
rbenv install -l
TMPDIR=/tmp/build rbenv install 3.1.2
rbenv global 3.1.2
sudo umount /tmp/build
rm -r /tmp/build
irb Interactive Ruby
is a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop). Another alternative is pry
Install it with bundler with gem install irb
Open it with irb