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Just because it uses Linux does not mean it is like Linux


Install apk

adb install /path/to/app.apk

Downgrade APK

adb install -d /path/to/app.apk

Install with rollback posibility

pm install --enable-rollback /path/to/app.apk

Rollback a package

pm rollback-app <package_name>

Spawn shell

adb shell

Screen recording

screenrecord /storage/self/primary/screenrecord.mp4

Screen capture

screencap /storage/self/primary/capture.png

Download file

adb pull /storage/self/primary/capture.png


adb backup -all
adb backup -apk -shared -all -f backup_file.ab
  • -apk will backup all apps.
  • -noapk (the default) will not backup apps.
  • -shared will backup data from the SD card.
  • -noshared (the default) will not backup the SD card.
  • -all will backup system data and app data but not the apps themselves.


adb restore backup_file.ab

Package Manager

List all packages.

pm list packages | sort
pm list packages --show-versioncode | grep ...

Disable package

pm disable <package_name>
pm disable-user --user 0

Uninstall package


pm uninstall <package_name>
pm uninstall org.mariotaku.twidere

Uninstall as root.

pm uninstall -k --user 0 <apk>
pm list packages | grep -i -E 'facebook|microsoft' | cut -f 2 -d ':' | while read -r apk ; do pm uninstall --user 0 $apk ; done

-k: keep the data and cache directories after package removal.

Download apk from package

Get the package name. In this case org.mariotaku.twidere.

pm list packages | grep <app>

pm list packages | grep twidere

Get the location of said package. In this case /data/app/org.mariotaku.twidere-VA1Xh4MQ6h5lLACl4imt4w==/base.apk.

pm path org.mariotaku.twidere

Download the apk file. Downloads as base.apk.

adb pull /data/app/org.mariotaku.twidere-VA1Xh4MQ6h5lLACl4imt4w==/base.apk

Listening ports

cat /proc/net/tcp
Explanation from
Decoding the data in /proc/net/tcp:

Linux 5.x  /proc/net/tcp
Linux 6.x  /proc/PID/net/tcp

Given a socket:

$ ls -l  /proc/24784/fd/11
lrwx------ 1 jkstill dba 64 Dec  4 16:22 /proc/24784/fd/11 -> socket:[15907701]

Find the address

$ head -1 /proc/24784/net/tcp; grep 15907701 /proc/24784/net/tcp
  sl  local_address rem_address   st  tx_queue  rx_queue tr tm->when  retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
  46: 010310AC:9C4C 030310AC:1770 01 0100000150:00000000  01:00000019 00000000  1000 0 54165785 4 cd1e6040 25 4 27 3 -1

46: 010310AC:9C4C 030310AC:1770 01
|   |         |   |        |    |--> connection state
|   |         |   |        |------> remote TCP port number
|   |         |   |-------------> remote IPv4 address
|   |         |--------------------> local TCP port number
|   |---------------------------> local IPv4 address
|----------------------------------> number of entry

00000150:00000000 01:00000019 00000000
|        |        |  |        |--> number of unrecovered RTO timeouts
|        |        |  |----------> number of jiffies until timer expires
|        |        |----------------> timer_active (see below)
|        |----------------------> receive-queue
|-------------------------------> transmit-queue

1000 0 54165785 4 cd1e6040 25 4 27 3 -1
|    | |        | |        |  | |  |  |--> slow start size threshold,
|    | |        | |        |  | |  |       or -1 if the treshold
|    | |        | |        |  | |  |       is >= 0xFFFF
|    | |        | |        |  | |  |----> sending congestion window
|    | |        | |        |  | |-------> (ack.quick<<1)|ack.pingpong
|    | |        | |        |  |---------> Predicted tick of soft clock
|    | |        | |        |               (delayed ACK control data)
|    | |        | |        |------------> retransmit timeout
|    | |        | |------------------> location of socket in memory
|    | |        |-----------------------> socket reference count
|    | |-----------------------------> inode
|    |----------------------------------> unanswered 0-window probes
|---------------------------------------------> uid

0 no timer is pending
1 retransmit-timer is pending
2 another timer (e.g. delayed ack or keepalive) is pending
3 this is a socket in TIME_WAIT state. Not all field will contain data.
4 zero window probe timer is pending

Perl script to decode the address


my $hexip=$ARGV[0];
my $hexport=$ARGV[1];

print "hex: $hexip\n";

my @ip = map hex($_), ( $hexip =~ m/../g );

my $ip = join('.',reverse(@ip));

my $port = hex($hexport);

print "IP: $ip  PORT: $port\n";


$ 030310AC 1770
hex: 030310AC
IP:  PORT: 6000

Wireless debugging in Android 11+

  1. Activate Settings > Developer options > Wireless debugging > Enable > Pairing code
  2. Pair with ip port 34567 and code 000000.
adb pair 000000
  1. Connect. The port changes because ... android
adb connect
  1. Change the port the device listens on (resets on reboot)
adb tcpip 5555

Seems to work wether you have USB debugging and/or Wireless debugging enabled. 5. Connect again

adb connect

Edit build.prop

Only if you are root. Source


# To keep adb over wifi always on
