With a table it will look much nicer https://yurialek.gitlab.io/guides/linux/software.html
- Utilities
- pigz
- arandr
- borg
- cpupower
- fdupes
- flameshot
- gameconqueror - Memory scanner (cheat engine)
- hardinfo
- hddtemp
- inotify-tools
- iotop - View I/O usage of processes
- lm_sensors
- logwatch
- lshw
- lsof - Lists open files for running Unix processes
- gomtpfs / mtpfs / simple-mtpfs
- ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage
- duc - Graphical disk inspection tool. Like
but with a nice GUI - nitrogen
- ranger - Console file manager
- nnn - Console file manager
- pass / pass-otp
- pavucontrol
- picom
- pinentry
- pulsemixer - CLI and curses mixer for pulseaudio
- qrencode
- redshift
- remmina
- rofi
Copy files over ssh. Replacesscp
- scrot
Check shell (POSIX andbash
) scripts for compliance- smartmontools
- termite
- tidy - A tool to tidy down your HTML code to a clean style
- jq - Command-line JSON processor
- hq - HTML processor inspired by jq
- yq - Command-line YAML/XML processor
- tldr
- tmux
- unclutter - A small program for hiding the mouse cursor
- xdotool / xautomation / xclip / xorg-xev
- xpra
- xsensors - X11 interface to lm_sensors
- zathura
- zenity - Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
- android-sdk-platform-tools
- bmap-tools
- downgrade
- gamemode
- lnav - A curses-based log file viewer
- mangohud
- mons
- oneko
- polybar
- scrcpy
- vscodium
- bettercap git - Ettercap writen in Go
- dmenu - dynamic menu
- fzf - dmenu for the terminal
- xsel - Getting and setting the contents of the X selection
- arandr - GUI for Xrandr
- glances
- cdrtools
- arch-audit - An utility like pkg-audit based on Arch CVE Monitoring Team data
- baobab - A graphical directory tree analyzer
- fdupes - find duplicates
- cadence - JACK toolbox for audio production
- most less more - terminal pagers
- tigervnc x11vnc
- pipewire - software for handling of audio and video.
- ventoy - tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/EFI files
- moreutils - collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago
- Simple Scan (Gnome)
. To join PDF files.- dmidecode
- mons
- lnav
- growpart
- create_ap
- bmap_tools
- ssh
- sshuttle Forward over SSH. Poor's man VPN.
- Monitoring
- lnav
- htop
- nmon
- top
- atop
- vtop
- bashtop
- gtop
. Show used/free memory.- powerstat
show processes.pstree
show processes in a tree like view.last
. Last logins.ncdu
for graphical view of HDD usagenethogs
TUI program for monitoring traffic per program- btop
- Security
- pass - The standard Unix password manager
- tomb -
- shred - Permanently delete files
- Internal Programs to diagnose the behaviour of the system
- strace
- ltrace
- ps
- free
- uptime
- Programming
- Python
- Network
- nmap - Utility for network discovery and security auditing
- WireShark -
- tcpdump - Powerful command-line packet analyzer
- bmon - Portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
- bwmon
- nbwmon - ncurses bandwidth monitor
- nethogs - Network Bandwidth Usage per Program.
- arp-scan
- arping
- hey - HTTP load generator
- iftop - Display bandwidth usage on an interface
- iperf3 - Test Network Performance Between Hosts
- nload - Real-Time Internet Traffic Monitoring
- scapy
- wol
- fail2ban
- mtr - My Traceroute. Traceroute and ping in a TUI
- Nping - Nmap's ping with TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP
- netstat
- ss
- Scapy - Packet manipulation tool
- lsof - Lists open files for running Unix processes (also ports)
- OpenSnitch
- * ssh-audit
- commands
lsof -i -n -P
sudo tcpdump -eqtnni eno1 arp
- Android
- media
- audacity
- beets
- mpv
- youtube-dl
- calibre
- clementine - Music player
- cdparanoia - Compact Disc Digital Audio extraction tool
- cuetools - Cue and toc file parsers and utilities
- feh
- ffmpeg
- foliate - eBook reader
- https://github.com/wustho/epr - eBook reader
- handbrake
- imagemagick
- lutris
- cmus
- elisa
- mpd / mpc / ncmpcpp
- picard
- lollypop - Music Player
- shortwave - Online Radio
- kunst - MPD Art Visualizer
- glava -
glava --desktop
OpenGL audio spectrum visualizer - Spek - generates a spectrogram for the input audia file
- sndpeek - Real-time 3D animated display
- friture - Real-time audio analyzer
- Sonic Visualiser - application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files
- gwenview - Image viewer
- handbrake - Multithreaded video transcoder
- ffmpeg - video transcoder
- phockup - Media sorting tool to organize photos and videos from your camera in folders by year, month and day.
- mp3val
- MKVToolNix
- musikcube CLI music player.
- random
- bucklespring
- cmatrix
- cmus
- dmenu
- glava - OpenGL audio spectrum visualizer
- lirc - Linux Infrared Remote Control utilities
- lolcat
- cava
- sc-im - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised
- taskwarrior - Taskwarrior TODO list
- rtv - Reddit Terminal Viewer
- TuDu - Command line interface to manage hierarchical todos
- Authenticator - 2FA for Gnome
- bash-pipes
- cmatrix
- WebPlotDigitizer - Web based tool to extract data from plots, images, and maps
- Mendeley Free reference manager and an academic social network. Manage your research, showcase your work, connect and collaborate with over five million researchers worldwide.
AMD tweak and power consumption.
- Zenpower Linux kernel driver for reading temperature and more. Needed for lm-sensors
- Zenmonitor GUI to monitor CPUs
- ZenStates CLI tool to adjust the clock speed and voltage Detailed guide at Level1Techs
- amdctl CLI tool for under/over clocking/volting AMD CPUs
- AMD μProf AMD's own tool to monitor CPUs
- RyzenAdj Power management settings for Ryzen Mobile Processors
- Ryzen Controller GUI for RyzenAdj
- AMD APU Tuning Utility Github May not be FOSS
- Ryzen SMU Linux kernel driver that exposes access to the SMU (System Management Unit) for certain AMD Ryzen Processors.
sudo watch -n 0.5 cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info
sudo watch ryzenadj -i
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/power_now
Power consumption
- powertop tool used to diagnose issues with power consumption and power management
- powerstat measures the power consumption of a machine using the battery stats or the Intel RAPL interface.
powerstat -R -c -z
andpowerstat -a -R 1 60
- vnStat console-based network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD that keeps a log.
- bandwhich Terminal bandwidth utilization tool. Current network utilization by process, connection and remote IP/hostname.
Filesystems and data archiving
Database editors
- DBeaver Universal Database Tool
Disk usage
- baobab GUI Disk Usage Analyzer
- du Disk Usage. Part of Coreutils.
- ncdu NCurses
- df Summarize free file system space. Part of Coreutils.
- duf Modern
Archiving / Compressing
- file-roller - Archive manager (GUI)
Peer to Peer P2P Networks
- Hypercore Protocol Peer-to-peer data sharing. They have internal tools and APIs.
- I2P Invisible Internet Project
Multi-protocol/Other protocols
- Bombadillo CLI Browser for Gopher, Gemini and Finger.
- Castor GUI Browser for Gopher, Gemini and Finger.
- Dark Mail New way to do email with end-to-end encryption
- AgregoreWeb minimal web browser for the distributed web
- Gophernicus Gopher daemon
- * Lagrange GUI gemini browser
- Kristall A high-quality visual cross-platform gemini browser.
- Information about gemini
- Agate Very simple server for the Gemini hypertext protocol.
- * LibreWolf Firefox Fork
- * Firefox
- uBlock-origin git Adblock by Raymond Hill twitter. Enable all the blocklists. Magnesium's config recomendations
- sidebery Vertical tabs
- linkgopher Link extractor
- multi-account-containers
- pyllyukko's user.js Firefox configuration hardening
- vimium git Vim-like navigation
- vimium-c git Vim-like navigation
- Violentmonkey Run scripts in your browser
- DeArrow Better Titles and Thumbnails on YouTube
- SponsorBlock Skip Sponsorships on YouTube. https://sponsor.ajay.app/
- SingleFile Save an entire webpage as a single HTML file
- Wayback Machine
- * w3m
- * newsboat CLI RSS/Atom feed reader
- lynx CLI web browser
- qutebrowser keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI
- surf suckless browser
- w3m
- ungoogled-chromium don't try to compile it
- icecat
- waterfox
- Tor Browser
- Brave
- Min
- links
- ELinks
- Konqueror
- Pale Moon
- NetSurf
- Nyxt the hacker's power-browser
Browsers but with a table
Used | Program | Link | License | Git | Description |
* | LibreWolf | LibreWolf | License | git | Firefox Fork |
* | Firefox | Firefox | License | git | |
uBO sidebery linkgopher multi-account-containers pyllyukko's user.js vimium vimium-c |
uBlock-origin sidebery linkgopher |
license | git git git |
Adblock by Raymond Hill twitter. With all the blocklists enabled. Vertical Tabs Link Extractor |
- [sidebery](https://github.com/mbnuqw/sidebery) Vertical tabs
- [linkgopher](https://sites.google.com/site/linkgopher) Link extractor
- [multi-account-containers](https://github.com/mozilla/multi-account-containers)
- [pyllyukko's user.js](https://github.com/pyllyukko/user.js) Firefox configuration hardening
- [vimium](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/ "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/vimium-ff/") [git](https://github.com/philc/vimium "https://github.com/philc/vimium") Vim-like navigation
- [vimium-c](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-c/ "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/vimium-c/") [git](https://github.com/gdh1995/vimium-c "https://github.com/gdh1995/vimium-c") Vim-like navigation
- * w3m
- * newsboat CLI RSS/Atom feed reader
- lynx CLI web browser
- qutebrowser keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI
- surf suckless browser
- w3m
- ungoogled-chromium don't try to compile it
- icecat
- waterfox
- Tor Browser
- Brave
- Min
- links
- ELinks
- Konqueror
- Pale Moon
- NetSurf
- Nyxt the hacker's power-browser
Search engine tools
- surfraw Command line interface to a variety of popular WWW search engines and other artifacts of power.
for cli. - mkelvis Command line tools to generate surfraw scripts.
- httpie Alternative to wget and curl
- ripme album ripper for various websites
- gallery-dl command-line program to download image galleries and collections
- yt-dlp Fork of youtube-dl
- youtube-dl Youtube downloader
- Yuzu NSwitch emulator
- Ryujinx NSwitch emulator
- gamemode Allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS and/or a game process from FeralInteractive
- Lutris Wine/Proton Manager
- sc-controller User-mode driver, mapper and GTK3 based GUI for Steam Controller, DS4 and similar controllers.
Open Source Games
- Open Source Game Clones List with all the OSS games
- Osu!
- SuperTuxKart
- Xonotic
- Friday Night Funkin
- OpenTTD
- 0 A.D.
- Veloren Open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG.
- Cytopia A city building simulation game
- Nethack dungeon exploration
- bless Hex Editor
- Apostrophe A distraction free Markdown editor.
- CudaText Fast text editor, written in Object Pascal.
- vim
- xournalpp handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support.
- VSCodium Open source Visual Studio Code
- Extensions
- seito-openfile VS Marketplace open file path under cursor with
Alt + P
. - Dendron
- Dendron Paste Image
- Material Icon Theme
- Draw.io Integration
- SQLite Viewer
- seito-openfile VS Marketplace open file path under cursor with
- Shortcuts
- workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText: Shift + Alt + Enter
- Extensions
- Spyder Scientific Python IDE
- Brackets
- Theia IDE git VS Code based IDE by the Eclipse Fundation
- Open VSX Open Registry/Repository for VS code based IDEs.
PDF viewers
- * Zathura Plugins: zathura-epub-git zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura-pdf-poppler
Document converters
- Leonflix A multi-platform desktop app for finding media.
- sxiv Simple X Image Viewer. Repo archived?
- info
- tldr Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands Web version
Terminal emulators
- foot - Wayland terminal emulator
- QuickSFV
- AutoHotKey
- CrystalDiskInfo SMART tools.
- rufus
- yumi
- restic - Backups
- mpv
- veracrypt
- malwarebytes
- keepass
- wireshark
- gns3
- 7zip
- cheatengine
- chocolatey
- cpu-z
- gpu-z
- latencymon
- shutup10 Privacy tool.
- sysinternals
- windirstat
- wiztree
- obs-studio
- foobar2000
- openvpn
- oh-my-posh
- microsoft-windows-terminal
- scrcpy
- MalwareBytes
- MalwareBytes Windows Firewall Control
- tightvnc
- VS Codium
- Windows Sandbox
- CPUID Hardware Monitor
- HDD scan https://hddscan.com/
- aquasnap
- notepad++
- vim
- putty
- etcher
- qbittorrent
- rainmeter
- yumi
- ds4windows
- Bulk Crap Uninstaller
- Sharex Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool
- PowerToys git
- Everything (voidtools) File indexer.
- EarTrumpet Audio switcher (M$ Store)
- SoundSwitch Audio hotkeys.
- RevoUninstaller
- Diskwipe
- Parsec Paid remote desktop app. Like steam remote play.
- Debugging
- autoruns - Startup Program Viewer
- accesschk - Access Check
- Dependency walker
- procexp
- procmon
- TFTPD64 TFTP server with BOOTP and DHCP support.
- HxD Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor
- NAPS2 Scanner
- AntennaPod
- Feeder
- Slide
- K-9 Mail
- Tasks
- Habits
- Librera PRO
- Vinyl
- andOTP
- Wallpaper Changer
- OpenVPN
- Aurora Store
- Easer
- Barcode Scanner
- AnySoftKeyboard
- NewPipe
- MySplash
- ConnectBot
- Transdroid
- Syncthing
- NetMonitor
- Activity Launcher
- Termux
- KDE Connect
- KeePassDX
- To-Do List
- Maps
- Markor
- Twidere
- 17Track
- Magisk
- Fennec browser Firefox based. F-droid says it traks you.