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[LXD guide](


Install the package from AUR.

yay -S lxd

Add custom mapping for uid and gid.

echo "root:1000000:65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid
echo "lxd:1000000:65536" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid

If you do not you may get Error: Failed container creation: Create container: Create LXC container: LXD doesn't have a uid/gid allocation. In this mode, only privileged containers are supported when launching a container.

Start and enable the service.

systemctl enable lxd
systemctl start lxd

Add yourself to the lxd group.

sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER

Initialize LXD

To create the default network, storage pool and profile. Run as root.

lxd init

Basic commands

Create a container.

lxc init images:alpine/3.6/i386 container

Create a new profile.

lxc profile create name

Create a new profile from another profile.

lxc profile copy default name

List containers.

lxc list

List all local images.

lxc image list

List all available remote images. lxc remote list.

lxc image list images:
lxc image list ubuntu:
lxc image list server:

Auto update remote images.

lxc config set images.auto_update_cached true

Create a conatiner

lxc init ubuntu:16.04 container

Launch a container from a remote image.

lxc launch images:ubuntu/xenial/amd64 xenial1

Launch an ephemeral container.

lxc launch --ephemeral ubuntu:18.04 ubuntu

Information about a container.

lxc info container

Access the container.

lxc exec container /bin/bash
lxc exec container -- /bin/bash

Stop and start

lxc start container
lxc stop container
lxc restart container

Delete container.

lxc delete container

Show storage pools.

lxc storage list

Create a custom image based on a local container

lxc publish container --alias customimage

Auto update remote images.

lxc config set images.auto_update_cached true

Push a file to a container.

lxc file push /path/in/host container/path/in/container

Pull a file from a container.

lxc file pull server:container/path/to/file /destination/path

Backup container

lxc export container container.$(date +'%Y-%m-%d').tar.gz
lxc import container.2020-04-20.tar.gz

Backup image Source

lxc snapshot container backup
lxc publish container/backup --alias container-backup
lxc image export container-backup .
lxc image delete container-backup

lxc image import backup.tar.gz --alias container-backup
lxc launch container-backup new-container
lxc image delete container-backup

Start on boot

lxc config set {container} boot.autostart {true|false}
lxc config set {container} boot.autostart.priority integer
lxc config set {container} boot.autostart.delay integer


lxc network create br0
lxc network show br0
lxc network edit br0

Static IP.

lxc config device set <container> eth0 ipv4.address

Bridge br0:

lxc profile copy default lan
lxc profile edit lan
        name: eth0
        nictype: bridged
        parent: br0
        type: nic


By default only works with images pulled from (Ubuntu).

Log available at /var/log/cloud-init.log inside the container.

Create a new profile with ssh keys

Create or clone a new profile.

lxc profile copy default ssh

Edit the profile with lxc profile edit ssh. Get the key with cat ~/.ssh/ You can create the keys with ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 8128 -C "Keys for LXD".

  user.user-data: |
      - name: yu
          - ssh-rsa [...] == Keys for LXD
        sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
        groups: sudo
        shell: /bin/bash

Launch a container.

lxc launch --profile ssh ubuntu:18.04 ubuntu

And connect to it over ssh.

ssh "$(lxc list | grep ubuntu | awk '{print $6}')" -i ~/.ssh/lxd -l yu

Container with custom config file instead of profile

Create a config file config.yml.

  - name: yu
      - ssh-rsa ... == Keys for LXD
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
    groups: sudo
    shell: /bin/bash

And create a new container.

lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 ubuntu --config user.user-data="$(cat lxd_config.yml)"

And connect to it over ssh.

ssh "$(lxc list | grep ubuntu | awk '{print $6}')" -i ~/.ssh/lxd -l yu


Any distro downloaded from will NOT include cloud-init, so you have to create your own image; you can do it manually (do not) or you can use distrobuilder.

Install dependencies.

sudo pacman -S go debootstrap rsync gnupg squashfs-tools

Build distrobuilder from source.

go get -d -v
cd $HOME/go/src/

go get gives an error but it works.

Create a folder.

mkdir /tmp/centos && cd /tmp/centos

Create a template. Examples available at $HOME/go/src/

Under files: add the following.

- name: meta-data.lxd
  path: /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
  generator: template
  content: |-
    instance-id: {{ }}
    local-hostname: {{ }}
    {{ config_get("user.meta-data", "") }}

- name: network-config.lxd
  path: /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/network-config
  generator: template
  content: |-
    {% if config_get("", "") == "" %}version: 1
      - type: physical
        name: eth0
          - type: {% if config_get("user.network_mode", "") == "link-local" %}manual{% else %}dhcp{% endif %}
            control: auto{% else %}{{ config_get("", "") }}{% endif %}

- name: user-data.lxd
  path: /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data
  generator: template
  content: |-
    {{ config_get("user.user-data", properties.default) }}
 # properties:
 #   default: |
 #     #cloud-config
 #     {}

- name: vendor-data.lxd
  path: /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/vendor-data
  generator: template
  content: |-
    {{ config_get("user.vendor-data", properties.default) }}
 # properties:
 #   default: |
 #     #cloud-config
 #     {}

And under - packages: add the following.

- sudo
- cloud-init
- python
- openssh-server

And create the image for LXD.

sudo $HOME/go/bin/distrobuilder build-lxd template.yaml

Import the image.

lxc image import lxd.tar.xz rootfs.squashfs --alias image_name

Create a config file config.yml.

  - name: yu
      - ssh-rsa ... Keys for LXD
    sudo: ['%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL']
    groups: wheel
    shell: /bin/bash

Create a container with a custom cloud-init file config.yml.

lxc launch image_name container_name --config=user.user-data="$(cat config.yml)"

And log into the container.

ssh "$(lxc list | grep centos | awk '{print $6}')" -i ~/.ssh/lxd -l yu

Everything I tested seems to work.


Example Playbook for Ubuntu.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Create Ubuntu container in LXD
        name: ubuntu
        architecture: x86_64
        state: started
        ephemeral: yes
          user.network_mode: "link-local"
          raw.idmap: gid 1005 1000 ## Group id 1001 in the container will be 1005 in the host
          boot.autostart: "true"
          limits.cpu: "4"
          limits.cpu.allowance: "50%"
          user.user-data: |
              - name: yu
                  - "{{ lookup('file', '/path/to/') }}"
                sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
                groups: sudo
                shell: /bin/bash
            source: "/path/in/host"
            path: "/path/in/container"
            type: disk
            name: eth0
            nictype: bridged
            parent: lxdbr0
            type: nic
          type: image
          mode: pull
          protocol: simplestreams
          alias: 18.04
        profiles: ["default"]

Deploy with ansible-playbook playbook.yml.

Ansible modules used for LXD:

Remote instances

Configure the remote server to be accessible.

lxc config set core.https_address
lxc config set core.trust_password something-secure

Add a new remote.

lxc remote add <name> <IP|FQDN|URL>
lxc remote add server --accept-certificate

List remote servers.

lxc remote list

List remote containers.

lxc list server:

Launch a remote container

lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 server:container


sudo nft add rule inet filter INPUT iifname "lxdbr0" tcp dport { 53, 67, 68 \} counter accept
sudo nft add rule inet filter INPUT iifname "lxdbr0" udp dport { 53, 67, 68 \} counter accept
sudo nft add rule inet filter FORWARD iifname "lxdbr0" counter accept
sudo nft add rule inet filter FORWARD oifname "lxdbr0" counter accept
sudo nft add rule nat postrouting ip saddr oif "enp3s0" snat
sudo nft add rule arp filter INPUT iifname "lxdbr0" counter accept


Add the display to the container.

lxc config device add firefox X11 disk source=/tmp/.X11-unix path=/tmp/.X11-unix

On the host allow anyone to connect to the local X11 instance.

sudo xhost +
sudo xhost inet:

PulseAudio. Source

Add to /etc/pulse/

load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 socket=/tmp/pulse-socket

Reload PulseAudio.

pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio --start

You may need this too.

rm -rf /tmp/pulse* ~/.pulse* ~/.config/pulse

Configure the container.

lxc config device add container X11 disk source=/tmp/pulse-socket path=/tmp/pulse-socket